Careful thought and planning is essential to ensure a successful & no-hassle completion of a Home Renovation project
We have extensive experience in Residential Renovation work in Tauranga and know the ins and outs
Let us help you work through the scenarios & processes that are typical for these types of projects. Just a few examples of things that will require consideration are:
- Creating a great Electrical and Lighting Design. Click here to find out about our full Design Consultation service
- Electrical Disconnection work and "making safe" areas where Builders and other trades will be working
- Identifying the existing Electrical Cabling, Switchboard, Fittings etc. What condition are these in and can any of these be reused?
- Do the existing wiring & connections comply with today's Electrical Regulations? If not, what work is required to bring these up to compliance?
- New wiring, how easily will this be to install, remembering we may have to work within the constraints of the renovation?
- Our electrician's experience in Home Renovation work means they can work through the 'unexpected' issues that could come up during the project, simply because of the inherent nature of renovation type work. No fuss, identify the issue, discuss a solution to move forward and then just get on with it!
Want to talk a bit more about our role in the renovation process & how we can assist you with a no-hassle installation? Get in touch with us to find out how

When you hire a Laser Electrician , you'll receive our 'Totally Dependable' service, guaranteed!
- Timely delivery
- Promise of care and skill
- Appropriate work for customers' needs
- Well-presented, professional employees
- Ensure responsibility of material supplied
- Honour manufacturer's guarantees
- Meet and frequently exceed our customers' expectations